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"The beautiful things about learning is nobody can take it away from you."

Business Skills


IT Service Management

IT Service Management

ITIL® is the only coherent and detailed documentation of best practices, the best practice solutions, for setting up management processes within an ICT organisation. Many organisations around the world use ITIL and a whole philosophy has developed around the guidelines, as described in the ITIL books, and the supporting professional qualification scheme.Our workshops provide insight into the methodology and processes and fit seamlessly into your improvement projects. Ask about the possibilities.


Project management

WISP Foundation

WISP is a new Project Management method that you can quickly get to grips with. WISP stands for Working In Small Projects and is excellently applicable to any small and medium-sized project.It is a method in which you create a good structure, both with regard to decision-making and execution and accountability. WISP has a set of agreements, documents and principles (success factors). It is clear in scope and can be adapted if the project or the environment in which it is being carried out requires it.


Information Management

Effective management of information services is vital. As a result of the professionalisation of IT services in recent years, from a business perspective, the need for more effective and efficient use of information and more support to end users has grown significantly.The Business information Services Library (BiSL®) model, developed by the ASL BiSL Foundation, provides guidance on how to apply a professional and systematic approach to managing information provision.Our workshops provide insight into the structure of the method and processes and are an excellent fit for your improvement projects. Ask about the possibilities.

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M +31 651 391 009

Postal address

Gebrande Hoefstraat 33

4715 PP Rucphen

Roosendaal region

Breda region

The Netherlands

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